Thursday 20th February (HT tours): Hackney 2 Gloucester A 1; Bexley 0 Gloucester B 5; Chiltern & South Bucks 0 Gloucester Girls 2.    Friday 21st February (HT tours): St Albans A 0-1 Gloucester A; St Albans B 0 Gloucester B 6; St Albans Girls 2 Gloucester Girls 3. Saturday 22nd February: Woking 0 Gloucester A 4; Chiltern & South Bucks B 1 Gloucester B 8; Woking Girls 0 Gloucester Girls 2.    Saturday 1st March: Reigate & Banstead v Gloucester A (A); Gloucester B v St Albans (H); Slough v Gloucester Girls (A).

Xmas Review (song)

Joy for the Bs

Please make sure you follow the lyrics whilst listening to the songs 🙂

Joy to the Bs, a win has come,
Let all rejoice and sing.
Let’s take this time, to sing some rhymes,
And have a slight review,
We’ll one by one go through,
As a Merry Christmas from me to you!

With Sadler we start, talent in spades,
With heart and fight he plays.
He sweeps around the back, to thwart any attack,
With the help of Middlecote,
Reads the game so well no joke,
Which makes him, makes him a defender of note.

Next boy could achieve, if only he believed,
With many a ball retrieved.
Good thoughts he evokes, Of course that is Stokes,
Howard’s constantly smiled,
Making him a very good child,
He wants to learn – it’s all worthwhile.

We can rely on this next guy,
His effort’s always high.
Helps out his defence, of course this guy is Spence,
Ali, he has the cheek,
Definitely not weak,
When on his game, I’d struggle to critique.

The boy with the skill, I sometimes could kill,
Of course, this is Glanville.
Beneath the silly part, is a kid with a big heart,
The skilful Baddhity,
When he plays he looks so free,
Creating, creating one chance or two or three.

We have discovered, Hodges likes to cover,
Ev’ry single blade of grass.
The right side he patrols, whilst scoring many goals,
Savioli he’s great fun,
At defenders he will run,
A joy, to coach for anyone.

Finally we have, the boy who likes to laugh,
We’re talking Mr Dixon,
Good chances he’ll create, a character so great,
To match up with the boys,
Who create ungodly noise,
But who make, For Paul and Lee coaching such joy!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

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