Saturday 22nd March: Newport 5 Gloucester B 0; Cardiff 2 Gloucester Girls 6; Cardiff B 6 Gloucester GD 0.    Friday 28th March: Gloucester BD v Stroud.    Saturday 29th March: Caerphilly v Gloucester A & B; Gloucester Girls v Dacorum.

GPSFA Development Squad Fixtures & Results

GPSFA Development Squad 2024/25

Habib Bah1016
Noah Callaghan107
Remy Campbell122
Theo Crowford113
Ralph Culley1011
Kodi Field111
Seb Hadley105
Noah Knight11-
Taylan Mann128
Bear Pritchard126
Owen Squibbs12-
Albie Steadman122
Charlie Whiting82
Henry Wood10-

GPSFA Development Squad Fixtures, Results & Events 2024/25

Fri 30th AugTraining Day/BowlingLL/10-Pin
Fri 6th SeptFriday coaching & meetingOSP
Mon 9th SeptMonday coaching beginsOSP
Sat 21st SeptSt AlbansHomeLost3-4Steadman 2, Pritchard
Mon 23rd SeptCheltenham TownOSPLost2-4Culley, Crowford
Fri 27th SeptSponsored Shoot-OutOSP
Tues 8th OctBathAwayWon7-0Callaghan, Pritchard 2, Culley, Hadley, Mann, Bah
Mon 14th OctQuiz NightMRFC
Mon 28th OctErdington & SaltleyAwayWon7-0Pritchard, Mann 3, Whiting, Callaghan 2
Fri 15th NovDursley/WottonOSPWon5-1Callaghan, Field, Culley 2, Bah
Mon 18th NovIndian NightNC
Mon 25th NovForest GreenAwayDrawn7-7Mann, Bah 2, Culley 4
Fri 29th NovGloucester CityOSPWon3-2Bah 2, Crowford
Fri 6th DecCheltenhamOSPLost2-6Bah 2
Tues 10th DecNinja WarriorsNW
Mon 20th JanBathOSPWon5-4Bah 2, OG, Pritchard, Whiting
Mon 3rd FebQuiz NightMRFC
Fri 7th FebForest of DeanOSPWon7-0Mann 3, Callaghan, Bah, Culley, Campbell
Sat 15th FebSt AlbansAwayWon4-2Culley, Callaghan, Bah 2
Sat 8th Mar (pm)Race NightBGC
Sat 15th MarErdington & Saltley 1HomeWon5-0Bah, Hadley 3, Pritchard
Erdington & Saltley 2HomeWon7-1Campbell, Culley, Bah 2, Callaghan, Crowford, Hadley
Fri 28th MarStroudOSP
Mon 7th AprForest GreenAway

Latest News

GPSFA Update: Sunday 23rd March (BD)


Final Monday coaching session at OSP Rugby 3G (6-7pm).

Friday 28th March

BD v Stroud; Football 3G (5-6pm).

Please meet outside The Arena at 4.30pm wearing your training kit.

Final Friday coaching session at OSP for A, B & G; Rugby 3G.

Friday 4th April

Girls’ Inter-School KO Finals: 4.30-6.00pm at Longlevens.

Saturday 5th April

Boys’/Open Inter-School KO Finals: 10.00am-4.30pm at Longlevens.

Remaining Events for BD

Monday 7th April: Forest Green (at Cirencester Town FC)

Thursday 10th April: Ten-Pin Bowling (Barnwood) to end the season: 6.30-8.00pm.



Boys’ A

Boys’ B

Girls’ A

Girls’ B

Boys’ Devt

Mon 24th Mar

Coaching at OSP; 6-7pm


Coaching at OSP; 6-7pm

Fri 28th Mar

Coaching (OSP; 5-6pm) & Parents’ Jersey meeting (5pm)

Coaching (OSP; 5-6pm)


Stroud (OSP; 5-6pm)

Sat 29th Mar

Caerphilly (A)

Caerphilly (A)

Dacorum (H)



Mon 31st Mar


Fri 4th Apr

Girls’ Inter-School KO Cup Finals at Longlevens: 4.30-6.00.

Sat 5th Apr

Inter-School KO Cup Finals at Longlevens: 10.00-4.30.